Understanding Your Tax Filing Status
For most, determining your tax filing status probably does not create a lot of question or confusion. But for others, it might not be so cut and dry. For most, whether you are married or unmarried at the end of the year is the determining factor.…
When Should You Hire A Tax Pro?
Right now…
Seriously though, modern tax software is very good, and many of them are reasonably priced, if not free. Most ask you all the right questions to fill in the blanks, get your tax return complete, filed, and a refund in your account,…
When Are Taxes Due?
Most of us are familiar with April 15th as the annual tax filing deadline. But there are some nuances. Last year, in response to Covid, the customary April 15th deadline was pushed back a month to May 17th. While the IRS could always…
How Do Taxes Work?
The U.S. uses a system called “progressive tax.” That means that the IRS has tax “brackets” with associated tax “rates.” These brackets correspond to various income levels. The higher your income, the higher your tax bracket,…