SEA Financial

For many years, Brent VanderZwaag and John VanDyke worked alongside each other as independent Endorsed Local Providers (ELP) for Dave Ramsey listeners. Subsequently, they established growing financial advisory firms in Michigan and Indiana. While these firms were separate and distinct, the friendship between the owners remained, and the separate firms shared core values and an underlying approach of coaching and teaching that is common to ELPs.

In 2016, serendipitous discussions led to the idea of combining the two practices to provide new resources and enhanced financial management processes for SEA Financial clients. In September of the same year, the merger agreement was finalized, and the process was initiated for introducing additional client support, new investment modeling strategies, and enhanced risk management tools.

The combined company remains committed to serving customers with unyielding integrity, ever-increasing excellence, and a constant customer-centric view of service. We look forward to continuing to serve our clients, or meeting you for the first time.

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